This is a list of materials that can later be assigned to the layers of the bow.

If the Materials category in the model tree is selected, the buttons (,
) can be used to add, remove and reorder materials.
Materials can be renamed by double-clicking and entering a new name.

For each material, the following properties are needed:
Color: Color of the material (only used for display)
Rho: Density (mass per unit volume)
E: Elastic modulus (measure of stiffness)
For synthetic materials like e.g. fiber-reinforced composites you can often find the mechanical properties in a datasheet provided by the manufacturer. Natural materials like wood are more difficult, because their properties can vary quite a bit. Average numbers can be found at and other websites, which should be a good starting point. The alternative is to determine the material properties by experiment with a bending test. For more information on that see Appendix C.